Privacy & Security

Geography is a simple game, carefully-crafted by a small team simply to be played. We have no interest in tracking your activity or harvesting your data.

Where is My Data Stored?

Here’s where your various data is located.

  • Score History

    Stored locally on your device, and never leaves it.

  • Payment Details

    Handled by Apple and Apple only — we never see it.

Where is My Data Sent?

The game works completely offline, with all game data included in the initial download. The app doesn’t talk to any third-party analytics or marketing services. And there’s only a couple of occasions we make a network request:

  • Payment Processing

    Handled by Apple. Subscribing will cause the app to talk to their servers.

  • Article Images

    Loaded over the network to save including them all in the app and making the initial download very large.